Comments on Breeding Requests

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pawstepsinthesnow Avatar
pawstepsinthesnow Staff Member

LK Link: Tess
DA Link: Tess
Permission: mine!


LK Link: Deja Vu
DA Link: Deja Vu
Permission: mine!

Litter Distribution: Full me
(If Adding items): Link to your inventory here with
Item Adding: SHB+Flourishing+Sun Disk
Other Bonuses: belated yuri day adventurer-archaeologist breeding

2024-06-27 00:34:51

ASimpleMoon Avatar
ASimpleMoon Staff Member

Tess 504 X Deja Vu 1173

SHB, Flourishing Elixir, and Sun Disk removed from your hoard!

Evangeline’s guard accounted for!

1 - Male
Genotype: ee/Ss/Kk/nBr/nBb/nChr/nFil/PnPn/nWt/Ww
Phenotype: Bronze with barring, blood burst, charring, filigree, pangare, washout
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard

2 - Female
Genotype: Ee/Ss/KK/nDsk/nFil/nMn/PnPn/nSb/nV/WW
Phenotype: Brown with dusky points, filigree, mantle, pangare, sable, vent
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard

3 - Male
Genotype: ee/SS/KK/nBr/nBb/nChr/nFil/nMn/nPn/Ww
Phenotype: Bronze with barring, blood burst, charring, filigree, mantle, pangare
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard

4 - Female
Genotype: ee/Ss/KK/nDsk/nFil/nPn/nV/Ww
Phenotype: Bronze with dusky points, filigree, pangare, vent
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard

5 - Male
Genotype: Ee/Ss/Kk/nBb/nChr/nDsk/nFil/nPn/nSb/nWt/Ww
Phenotype: Brown with blood burst, charring, dusky points, filigree, pangare, sable, washout
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard

6 - Female
Genotype: Ee/Ss/Kk/nBr/nBb/nChr/nDsk/nFil/nMn/nPn/nSb/Ww
Phenotype: Brown with barring, blood burst, charring, dusky points, filigree, mantle, pangare, sable
Feather Type: Harpy
Build: Standard


2024-07-01 23:39:00 (Edited 2024-07-01 23:39:30)

pawstepsinthesnow Avatar
pawstepsinthesnow Staff Member

Meant to guard this! will provide!

2024-07-01 23:37:35