Comments on Player and Zone Objectives

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AutumnDarkCloud Avatar
AutumnDarkCloud Staff Member

Import Link:
Prompts Completed:
Prompt 3: Complete one quest/skill in this zone OR create a piece showing an important life event that happens to your ketucari in this zone. (quest and skilll)

Import Link:
Chosen Title: Guardian of The Singing Vale
Prompts Completed: Prompt 4: Earn a tier 1 title for this zone (Hunter/Herbalist/Trader/Prospector/Surveyor/Ill-Willed). (Surveyor of The Singing Vale)

If possible to apply zone backgrounds with these, heres the picture with maneki on the vales background!

2025-03-05 23:22:11 (Edited 2025-03-11 15:38:32)

Wolfenru Avatar
Wolfenru Staff Member

Congratulations for completing Zone Objectives! Rewards have been added to your hoard.

Maneki ̄ kiri's import has been updated!

2025-03-11 16:39:17