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Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member

SHB, Flourishing Elixir, and Ambrosia Ale used and applied!

Jed 3206 X Dark On Me 3274

1 - Male
Genotype: Ee/ss/kk/ViVi/nFt/nHp/nPn/nPg/nSb/nSm/nSy/nWt/wwh
Phenotype: Red with frosted, hued points, pangare, plumage, sable, shimmer, sooty, washout
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Garoch

2 - Male
Genotype: Ee/ss/kk/nDt/nFt/nHz/nPg/nSb/nSy/whwh
Phenotype: Bronze with dusted, frosted, haze, plumage, sable, sooty
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Garoch
Tertiary Horns: Leaf

3 - Male
Genotype: Ee/ss/kk/nDt/nHz/nPn/nPg/nSb/nSnd/ww
Phenotype: Bronze with dusted, haze, pangare, plumage, sable, strand
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Ryno
Primary Horns: Arched

4 - Female
Genotype: Ee/ss/kk/nPx/nVi/nDt/nFt/nHz/nPn/nSb/nSnd/wwh
Phenotype: Paradox Red with dusted, frosted, haze, pangare, sable, strand
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Ryno

5 - Male
Genotype: Ee/ss/kk/nFlw/nPx/nDt/nFt/nHp/nPn/nPg/nSy/nWt/wwh
Phenotype: (pick one) Flowing Paradox Bronze with dusted, frosted, hued points, pangare, plumage, sooty, washout
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Ryno
Tertiary Horns: Leaf

6 - Male
Genotype: Ee/ss/kk/nCma/nPx/nDi/nVi/nFt/nMn/nPn/nSm/nSnd/nWt/ww
Phenotype: Chimeric (pick two) Paradox Blush with frosted, mantle, pangare, shimmer, strand, washout
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Ryno


2025-03-11 18:42:53