Site News

Guide to Using the Site

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Matriarchs-Haunt

There's a great many things you can do on the site once your account is all set up! Here's a quick rundown of everything you need to know!

Under "Home" Tab

My Characters

This feature is currently non-functional. Your ketucari will still be tracked on dA until we integrate them into the site later on down the road.


This link will show you all your items. If you click on an item, you will receive a pop-up window where you can do the following:

  • Click the checkbox next to the item and select a quantity, which will allow you to either:
    • Transfer the specified quantity to a user (it is recommended that you not transfer items to other users this way if you are expecting something in return. This is what trades are for, which we will cover later on!)
    • Delete the specified quantity (there is currently no reason to do this, but the option is there if you so desire!). Keep in mind that you may also sell unwanted items for gold via our dA site.
  • Click the image or name of the item to be taken to its Encyclopedia entry, which will tell you what the item does.
  • Loot boxes such as goodie bags and treasure chests may be opened from your inventory. Contents will be automatically added to your inventory, but if you want to see exactly what you received, you may do so by visiting "Item Logs" and "Currency Logs" on your profile.


This link will show you all of your currencies. You may complete a one-way transfer of currency from this page, as well. Again, it is recommended that you not transfer items to other users this way if you are expecting something in return.

Under "Activity" Tab

Prompt Submissions

This is where you can submit Quests, Skill Unlocks, and request Prize Packs if you haven't already redeemed them! For all of these things, click the "New Submission" button and then follow the directions below.

For Quests

  1. Type and/or select the name of the quest you wish to submit in the "Prompt" field.
  2. Paste the link to your image in the "Submission URL" field. **There is no need to include the old quest form in your submission.
  3. Link the ketucari/companion race character you are submitting the quest for in the "Comments" field.
  4. PLEASE NOTE: You must create a separate submission for each character in the image.
  5. You may ignore the "Rewards" and "Characters" sections.
  6. Hit submit! Rewards are automatically placed in your inventory by the site itself once an admin approves your submission. The quest will also be logged on your ketucari's dA import like normal.

For Skill Unlocks

  1. Type and/or select the name of the skill you wish to submit in the "Prompt" field.
  2. Paste the link to your image in the "Submission URL" field. **There is no need to include the old skill form in your submission.
  3. Link the ketucari you are submitting the skill for in the "Comments" field.
  4. PLEASE NOTE: You must create a separate submission for each character in the image.
  5. You may ignore the "Rewards" and "Characters" sections.
  6. Hit submit! Rewards are automatically placed in your inventory by the site itself once an admin approves your submission. The skill will also be logged on your ketucari's dA import like normal.

For Adventures

  1. Type and/or select "Adventure"  in the "Prompt" field.
  2. Paste the link to your image in the "Submission URL" field. **Please include the adventure form for the ketucari in question in the artist's description of your dA submission.
  3. PLEASE NOTE: You must create a separate submission for each character in the image.
  4. You may ignore the "Rewards" and "Characters" sections.
  5. Hit submit! Rewards are automatically placed in your inventory by an admin. The site is capable of rolling most adventure rewards itself, but some must be rolled manually by an admin. The adventure will also be logged on your ketucari's dA import like normal, but will only list out rewards that were not automatically rolled by the site. To see which rewards were automatically granted by the site, view the notification in your inbox after the submission is processed.

For Crafting

  1. Type and/or select "Crafting Request" in the "Prompt" field.
  2. In the URL field, type anything you wish. Even a single period will do! This field just needs to have something in it for it to allow you to submit it.
  3. Under the Add-Ons section, right next to "Your Inventory", hit "Show". 
  4. Select all items relevant to your crafting request. 
  5. Hit submit! 

For Prize Packs (Newbie Packs, Site Welcome Packs, etc.)

  1. In the prompt field, type and/or select "Site Welcome Pack" or "Newbie Pack - (desired profession here)". If, in the future, there is another prize pack available, you would type that instead.
  2. In the URL field, type anything you wish. Even a single period will do! This field just needs to have something in it for it to allow you to submit it. You may ignore all the other fields.
  3. Hit submit! Rewards are automatically placed in your inventory by the site itself once an admin approves your request.
  4. PLEASE NOTE: You may only ever request one Site Welcome Pack and one of the three Newbie Packs if you haven't already claimed one via dA. Requests for multiple packs will be rejected.


This feature is currently non-functional. We shall find a use for it at a later date!

Design approval

This feature is currently non-functional.

Character transfers

This feature is currently non-functional.


This allows you to conduct two-way trades with other users! This part of the site is pretty straightforward. 

For items, be sure to click the checkbox next to the item you wish to trade and specify the amount.

For currency, click "Add Currency" and select which and how much of the currency you wish to send.

Once your trade request has been sent, you will need to confirm your half of the trade. Once your trade partner has responded with and confirmed their half of the trade, you will both need to hit "Confirm Trade" at the bottom of the trade window to finalize it.

Under "Browse" Tab


You can see a list of all other users here and view each other's inventories. This is useful if you're wanting to set up a trade! Eventually, you will be able to see each other's ketucari here as well.

Character masterlist

This feature is currently non-functional except for the presence of our evil overlord, Kaur.


This feature is currently non-functional. We shall find a use for it at a later date!

Under "World" Tab


This is a compilation of every item, prompt, and currency currently on the site. Eventually, it will also host all physical traits, builds, and genes related to ketucari!

World Lore

This is currently a work in progress and will eventually host all of the World Lore information currently found on our dA!


This is currently a work in progress and will eventually host all of the Zone information currently found on our dA!


In addition to the Encyclopedia, you can also find names and descriptions (where applicable) of all the "prompts" on the site. This includes all quests and skill unlocks as well as current prize packs.


Here, you can find the Marketplace, Laurel Shop, and Legacy Store! You may purchase items by clicking on them and hitting "Purchase"! These are automatically placed in your inventory.

Current & Planned Site Features

Posted 4 years ago :: Last edited 4 years ago by Matriarchs-Haunt

Current Features

These are the current functioning features the site has to offer!

  • Player Inventories
  • Player-to-player trades
  • Automatic purchases from the Marketplace, Laurel Shop, and Legacy Store
  • Quest Submissions
  • Skill Unlock Submissions

Non-Functional Features

While the basic framework for these features exists on the site, they are not currently in use and require further tweaking to meet the group's needs before we make them available.

  • Design Approval (this is still conducted through dA)
  • Raffles
  • Claims
  • Character Masterlist
  • Character Transfers
  • "My Characters" tab


Planned Features

These features are in the works! Many of these will require extensive work and testing before being released, thus you should not expect to see them in the near future. Still, they are something to look forward to!

  • Automatic breedings
  • Automatic crafting
  • Integration of ketucari imports (aka the Character Masterlist), including:
    • Ownership transfers
    • Item applications
    • Logs
    • Soulbound item tracking (includes offerings, backgrounds, and titles)
  • Player achievements
  • On-site design approvals