Site News

WHOOPS there was an error... [Season 3 Wanderers]

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Matriarchs-Haunt

EDIT/SMALL UPDATE: As of Tuesday, March 21st, 10:00AM CDT, Tint's passrate has been boosted to 30%!

Hello everybody!
It was very recently discovered that Blazing Star ST-2786 had an error in her genotype that prevented her from passing her Tint gene!

At All.

So after some discussion we decided that the fairest way to handle this is to ask players who own Undesigned Liatris Cubs from breedings rolled Prior to March 19, 2023 to post here with proof of ownership to specifically have a simple 1-100 RNG run through to see if they get Tint. Edited genos will be posted back into the thread. The error has been fixed and any breedings rolled after March 19, 2023, will not have this reroll available.

This is Opt In. No other genes on the cubs will be touched or rerolled, and if you don't mind the lack of Tint you are not required to post!
This thread will be open indeffinitely, and all current owners of Liatris cubs will be contacted to inform them of this option.

Thank you for your understanding!


Post HERE to receive your rerolls, please only post one breeding per comment!

**Breeding**: [here]
**Cub Numbers**: [exclude any who are already uploaded, or who you don't want rerolled]

The Wanderer Slot Raffle Season 3

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by IIIXKitsuneXIII

The Wanderers

[DA Journal Version]

    A pack of young adult ketucari has recently been spotted roaming the continents, seeking to explore, learn, and socialize wherever they go. Calling themselves the Wanderers, their aim to experience all walks of life may cause their paths to cross with your very own ketucari! 

Current Wanderers



Every month, the group will be raffling off one slot to each of the above ketucari!

Bullet; White There are no restrictions on the usage of these slots.

Bullet; White Each slot also comes with a "built in" Sundisk of Nyssa, so that you may breed them with a male or female ketucari. They also do not require a litter guard.

Bullet; White You may enter once per ketucari, but you may only win one Wanderer slot total for the month.

Bullet; White Wanderers may be bred together if you happen to collect more than one slot over the course of a few months.

How to Enter

Bullet; White Simply create a piece that meets our minimum Group Submission Requirements showing one of your ketucari interacting with the Wanderer who's slot you would like to win! Collaborations are allowed, but in order to count for all involved parties, each must have a ketucari present in the piece.

Bullet; White Only one Wanderer may be included per piece (ie, you cannot depict all six in one piece and use it as an entry for all of them). However, if collaborating pieces, more than one Wanderer may be included at a rate of One Per Person. However each player may only use one piece to enter for one Wanderer.
-i.e. Players 1, 2 and 3 collab on a piece with Manghild, Liatris, and Hen'ri. Player 1 can use the piece to enter for Manghild, Liatris, or Hen'ri, but not all three. Player 2 can do the same, as well as Player 3.
Bullet; White Remember that until they're raffled off, Wanderers are group owned. R rated entries and entries that are found to be disrespectful to either the Wanderer or any real life person, collective group of people, or culture, can be refused and rejected. They're allowed to be portrayed as creepy, or as villains if you like, but they Must be portrayed with respect, if only for the sake of the future owners.

Going forward, we will be rejecting entries that we feel cross the line into disrespecting the character.
This mostly applies to literature, as it's harder to have blatant disrespect in visual mediums. However, as a bit of a rubric for the sorts of things that might ping as disrespectful:

-Non-spoken lines making fun of the character (such as calling them "gross")
-high number of "in character" or spoken lines making fun of the character
-calling them "it" in a way that deprives the character of personhood
-entries that feel like they were written from a place of Disliking the character (we understand this is subjective, and other factors will be looked at)
-entries using the character as a mouthpiece for any sorts of views that deny other characters (or any people, groups of people, or cultures) personhood and basic dignity

Bullet; White There will be up to 6 total winners, labelled 1-6. Winners will be asked to list the Wanderers they want in order of preference based on which number they have and who they put in entries for (you cannot put in a Livia entry and win Fionn, for example, but if you only entered for Bun you get priority on Bun).
-i.e. if you are the only person to put in an entry on both Manghild and Liatris, you may choose which slot you would prefer to get, instead of receiving Liatris by default.

Bullet; White You may include multiple entries in one comment.

Bullet; White Comment your entry here:



Yearly Import Raffle


Each year, the Wanderers will retire from their journey and seek a permanent residence as new pack members take their place. That means they could even end up with you!

Before we get started we need to establish a few things, however. As the Wanderers are not just fancy imports but characters you all have been developing through the year, we want to make the ownership rules clear.

Bullet; White Wanderers may not be redesigned. Tokens may be added if applicable, and accessories, Elemental Blessings, and new backgrounds can be added, but the actual character cannot be redesigned.

Bullet; White Wanderers may Not be resold for USD.

Bullet; White No Deceasing the import. If you don't want them, gift/trade them to someone else or give them back to the group. Imports returned to the group will not be re-raffled without your approval/

Bullet; White The New Owner may Not change their Wanderer's Attunement without use of the Attunement Shift item.

Bullet; White The New Owner will need to complete their Wanderer's Breeding Eligibility. Their Breeding Comment will be "locked" before they are transferred to their new owner. Slots written by the Matriarchs-Haunt account will not count against the Wanderer's used or total Slots.

Bullet; White The new Owner must be aware that their Wanderer will not keep their built in Guardian or Sun Disk.

Bullet; White If a Wanderer is somehow Unclaimed it will remain group-owned as a starter.

Bullet; White The New Owner must be aware that their Wanderer will maintain their "Starter" status and be added to lineages as needed.

With that established, here is how


How to Enter

Bullet; White As with the Slot Raffle, you must create a piece that meets our minimum Group Submission Requirements showing one of your ketucari interacting with the Wanderer who's slot you would like to win! THESE PIECES MAY BE COMMISSIONED. Commissioned entries may be used by both Commissioner and Commissionee as long as each has a ket present in the piece. Collaborations are allowed, but in order to count for all involved parties, each must have a ketucari present in the piece.

Bullet; White UNLIKE with the Slots, you may include up to 3 Wanderers in an entry and it will count for all of them.

Bullet; White There will be up to 6 total winners, labelled 1-6. Winners will be asked to list the Wanderers they want in order of preference based on which number they have and who they put in entries for (you cannot put in a Haze entry and win Free, for example, but if you only entered for Haze you get priority on Haze).

Bullet; White Comment your entry here: >CURRENTLY OPEN<

Current Wanderers are due to be adopted out on March 1st, 2023


Matchmaker 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Noirmori

Matchmaking 2023

Animated Pink Heart Divider by Gasara

Welcome to our February Matchmaking Event! In recognition of Valentines day, we will be doing randomly paired litters with your ketucari, which will give each of you a surprise cub! You will have from February 1 - February 14 to submit your ketucari to the breeding pool. The event will close after two weeks and admins will use RNG to pair the ketucari and roll your litters! The litters will be rolled within the next two days after. The final day to submit a ketucari for this event is February 14th at 11:59 PM PST

Let the pairing begin!

How to Participate

Animated Pink Heart Divider by Gasara
Reply to the comment below with a link to a doodle, blurb (300 words) or collabed entry of one of your ketucari going on a date with another (If you use someone else's ketucari for the second, please check with them first!!), preparing alone for a date, or showing some other form of romantic love. IF you don't have anyone to ship your ketucari with or don't see your ketucari as the romantic kind we have a few starter pairs you can doodle instead!
Then include a link to one of your ketucari to be used in the event! It does not have to be one of the ketucari depicted in your work.
Your ketucari will be randomly paired with another member's entered ketucari and you will both receive a surprise litter with a set of identical twins, one for each of the parent ketucari's owners. After your litter is posted, you are free to do what you want with the cubs like any other litter.

Ketucari Breeding Requirements

Animated Pink Heart Divider by Gasara
:bulletblue: You may only submit ONE ketucari.
:bulletblue: The ketucari must belong to you.
:bulletblue: The ketucari that you enter in this event must have their breeding eligibility confirmed BEFORE entry.
:bulletblue:  Ketucari will not be paired with a match that results in inbreeding. That being said, no inbred ketucari are allowed.
:bulletblue:  Any ketucari who do not receive a match among the entered ketucari will be paired with a randomly rolled starter ketucari or magically 'disked' to create a litter.
:bulletblue: This will NOT count against your monthly limit of breedings or your ketucari's breeding slots.
:bulletblue: These litters cannot have items added.
:bulletblue:Cubs from these litters will not be subject to matriarch killings.
:bulletblue: Cubs from these litters may be sold, traded, gifted, etc. as you please.

Entry Requirements

:bulletblue: Solo entries are not required to be colored or contain a background. These submissions may be headshots! Literature minimum is 300 words.
:bulletblue:Collabed entries MUST be at least two colored fullbodies. They do not need to meet adventure requirements.
:bulletblue: Collabed writings must be at least the length of an adventure for as many ketucari as are depicted in it (600 words minimum for two ketucari)
:bulletblue:If works follow all guidelines for adventures or other group activities they may be used for those activities.
:bulletblue: All entries may be used for Bonding, however only works that follow guidelines for other group activities may be used for Themes.
:bulletblue: All works must have been uploaded after 2/1/2023

Bonus Raffle

Animated Pink Heart Divider by Gasara
:bulletblue: All people who make an entry will also be entered in a bonus raffle (you may opt out by saying so in your comment)
:bulletblue: The winners of the raffle will win a Sun Disk
:bulletblue: Three Sun Disks total will be raffled off
:bulletblue: The raffle will be rolled on February 15th, after all entries have been turned in
:bulletblue: Winning a sun disk will not affect the cub you receive or pairing in the main part of the event
:bulletblue: You MAY win both an a Sun Disk and an Eros slot if you're lucky 


Ketucari Slot Raffle

Eros has returned! This beautiful ketucari is back in the spirit of love! He brings with him the Endearing Display lineage skill!

Slot rules:
You may only win one slot, which will come with the following restrictions.
-Eros slots may not be sold for real life currency, or traded outside of Ketucari
-If the Winner of the slot chooses to use the slot in a Split breeding, the Winner of the slot must get Pick of the Litter. This is to prevent more experienced players from taking advantage of newbies, which we have been seeing more of as of late.

:bulletblue: All people who make an entry will also be entered in this bonus raffle (you may opt out by saying so in your comment)
:bulletblue: The winners of the raffle will win a Full slot to Eros
:bulletblue: Three slots total will be raffled off
:bulletblue: The raffle will be rolled on February 15th, after all entries have been turned in
:bulletblue: Winning an Eros slot will not affect the cub you receive or pairing in the main part of the event
:bulletblue: Everyone is eligible for this slot raffle, regardless of if you've had a slot to an endearing display ket before
:bulletblue: You MAY win both an Eros slot and a Sun Disk if you're lucky 


Raffle Winners!

The winners of the Eros slots are:
 Frostwalker, Onisyra, Noirmori!
Congratulations! You will each receive your Slot permission as a comment response to your Matchmaker entry!
The winners of the Sun Disks are:
AutumnDarkCloud, Onisyra, IIIXKitsuneXIII
Congratulations! Your Sun disk will be deposited in your hoard shortly! 
Thank you all for participating in this year's Matchmaker event and we hope to see you next year for more fun!

Raid Incoming! And A New Quest!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Matriarchs-Haunt

The Plains of Messus have reached the threshold of 250 adventures, signaling it’s time for a raid! To give everyone time to prepare for the event, and do WaLoS in April, we will be holding the Plains of Messus raid in May. Until the end of the raid, the zone will remain closed, meaning no adventures or battles may be submitted in the Plains of Messus at this time.

Additionally, the Harbinger titles this time go to Evermore KT-1638, Feel It Still KT-2453, and Saturn KT-1255, for the following piece! Anarchisme and ASimpleMoon, redeem at Titles and How to Earn Them!



Effective immediately, a new quest is available over on Elder Island!

As of now, you can take Renowned ketucari and give them a full-body makeover by changing their feather type!
As with The Inner You this quest costs stats and sacred items, but it takes fewer steps other than reaching Renowned.

We hope everyone enjoys it =3

Reference Image Thread

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Matriarchs-Haunt

Hey everybody!

As folks in the Discord know, Chromata ketucari have had updates to their images so that their alternate palette is available right here on
And we realized that if we could do that, we could also host Shift forms and additional reference images on site for everyone!

Down below you will find forms and threads for different kinds of alternate forms or references.
This is OPT IN, except for Chromata alts we will not host your images here by default. From here forward however, places like the Hoard and WaLoS threads will ask if you want the alternate image hosted on site.

When using this thread we ask that you provide a downloadable copy of the reference image, or images, for your ketucari.
Threads will be created shortly. Thank you for your time and patience.

This News Post is _NOT_ to be used to _Add_ Shift forms to your ketucari. At this time that is still done through the Hoard.

Humanoid/Animal Shift Forms (Acquired from Darhaskos's Talismans, Small Flip Coins, and the Annual "What a Load of Shift" events)
God/Mythical Shift Forms (Acquired through Large Flip Coins and occasionally raffled kets)
Itemless Reference Images
"Other Side" reference images (subject to very light design approval: essentially if nothing is glaringly illegal it's probably fine)
Unofficial reference images

Pre-Sale Announcement

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by IIIXKitsuneXIII

Hello Everyone!

We are planning a group fundraiser to pay for things like the Haunt's Core, Super Group, and our website's server hosting. Any extra made by the sale will be used for group improvemet.

The Planned time of this Fundraiser is March/April.

The Sale and prices will be identical to the Flash Sale [] from a few months ago, and barring any other admin emergencies will likely be the last Group sale for a While.

More details will be made available closer to the sale, but this is just to let everyone know so that we don't blind-side you all! We hope to see you there!

Solstice Festival (12 Days of Gifting)

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by IIIXKitsuneXIII



(Kaur is mad about festivity by Anarchisme)
Once more Suadriga emerges from the far north to bring joy and merriment to those who have survived another year.
And this time, he brought a Feast!

However, to partake in the feast, you must do well unto your neighbor! What does that mean?

So many Gifts.

For Twelve Days, he will be handing out presents.

You may enter for each present only once, and only on the day that it is being offered.

How do you receive a gift?
By giving one!

Daily Solstice Festival


The requirements are simple!

Your minimum requirements are a colored headshot OR 100 words.
The catch? The ketucari CANNOT belong to you. No using Co-owns to get around this.

Your headshots may be sketchy, you may INCLUDE your own ketucari, but the focus should be on the recipient.
To account for this, we asked the lovely Draginraptor to fix up our Gift Art settings! They are now fully searchable, gift writing settings are now actually visible, and you can now set your gift setting en-masse if you want specific default settings!

There's one more catch to your gifts, however, in the spirit of trying to include everyone, and that is: You CANNOT gift to the same person two days in a row.
If you want to spoil your bestie rotten, that's fine! But every other day you have to share the love.
You may also only gift to a Starter once (unless additional Starters are Player-Owned Wanderers).

That said, our community has gotten scattered since Deviant Art started to pull its bullcrap. As such, this will be our FIRST event hosted through the site.
We have a wonderful new gallery feature. If you use it, please make sure you submit to the Winter gallery!
For anyone hosting their images outside of the site gallery, Please do be sure to share your art on [THIS THREAD] to ensure your recipient sees it!

Days and Rewards

Entering for even just 1 day enters you into the Holiday Ketucari Raffle!
Rollovers happen at 11:59 PM PST

Day 1 : December 20th
[Post Here]
Rewards: 2 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet)

Day 2 : December 21st
[Post Here]
Rewards: 3 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Angel Hare

Day 3 : December 22nd
[Post Here]
Rewards: 4 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Trinket

Day 4 : December 23rd
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Trinket, Bone Growth Shake

Day 5 : December 24th-26th
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Trinket, Bamboo Stew

Day 6 : December 24th-26th
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Trinket, Tangy Salad, Large Trinket

Day 7 : December 24th-26th
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Trinket, Focus Drought x4

Day 8 : December 27th
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Stoplight Stuffed Peppers, Sweet and Smokey Dinner, Iron Ore x10

Day 9 : December 28th
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Peace Offering, Frostberry Pie, Bone Growth Shake

Day 10 : December 29th
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Trinket, Large Trinket, Combo Slammer, Fragrant Roast

Day 11 : December 30th
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Banshee Confit, Fertility Feast, Ambrosia Ale

Day 12 : December 31st
[Post Here]
Rewards: 5 Laurels, random candy (2-5 Regular or 1-3 Gourmet), Lover's Banquet, Divine Wine, Frostberry Pie


Holiday ketucari Raffle

As per tradition, some new friends have come to join the festivities! Tailing after Saudriga this time, we suggest you take care eating too close to them: we hear these plants aren't particularly friendly to the stomach.
When you post your entry, please say whether or not you are joining the raffle!
As a reminder, free raffle ketucari cannot be sold for real ife money.
These ketucari are elligible for 1 free Nature Blessing!



Firn Slots Return!

This year there is NO limitation on who can enter for Firn slots! It doesn't matter how many Tauratu children or slots you may or may not have, or even if you own Tauratu yourself, you're welcome to enter for Firn's raffle!

This year Five Firn slots will be raffled!

Simply comment [Here] to enter for Firn Slots!


7 Days of Trick or Treating II

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Anarchie
Hello and welcome to a small Halloween event! It's back from last year!
Each day, a prompt will appear on this journal with a small prize for its completion! Prompts for this event will require just a headshot sketch/100 word lit entry! There will not be an additional prize for completing all 7 days, so don't worry if you miss one! However, you will only be able to complete each day's prompt on that day! Some prompts will be returning from last year, and most if not all prizes will be returning!
Check the linked journal each day for the daily prompt!
Have a happy, safe, and haunted end of your October! Have fun!
Each prompt will show up at midnight pacific time! The second prompt will show up on Wednesday - the first prompt has appeared early to give folks a bit of extra time to know this is here!
Additionally, for some more creepy fun, we've got a new eerie-looking jaw type up on all available builds including Ketixi!
Eldritch Jaw

It's called the Eldritch jaw, and it comes with some lovely hanging tendrils and a little eye! For 3 months, as long as you're not changing anything else about the design, you can change your Ketucari's jaw type to Eldritch for free (without a minor redesign token needed)!


Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Noirmori

Hello, everyone!

As many of you have heard, our group owned ASimpleMoon is going through a family emergency. The short version is that she and her mother are currently escaping an extremly toxic home environment by moving, and are coming up a little bit short on money for necessities.

With her permission, we've decided to host a flash sale for her, so that she and her mother can get out and stay on their feet while getting out.

This fundraiser is seeking $400 USD. Any extra will be used towards ensuring Moon's safety and the future of the group.

SIDE NOTE: Be aware that replies confirming purchases may be slightly delayed, as the admin in charge of the sale will be at work for the majority of it (RIP). Please allow 24-48 hours for confirmation.


BONUS: For any purchase worth $20 or more, Moon is offering headshots of any ketucari or rixixi of the buyer's choice.



The end date of this sale will be October 5th at 11:59 PM PST.


  • Payment is through PayPal Invoices only. No paypal account needed!
  • All prices are in USD.
  • E-Checks are not accepted.
  • The threads for each type of purchase will be linked in their appropriate category below!


  • These are full litter slots. If you snag a breedable pair, you're more than welcome to breed them together or to use your slot with a player-owned ketu!
    (Note - Tier Lists are incomplete and there is currently not a good way to make a lists publicly available in a way that isn't overwhelming. If the starter you want is not on this list, don't be afraid to ask which tier they're in.)
    (Lineage Skill starters are NOT available in the current sale)







  • “Roulette litter” means that the sire and dam are randomly chosen out of all available starters. Specific starters cannot be requested, as this defeats the purpose of the randomness.
  • Each litter will contain 2-4 cubs.
  • An admin will randomly roll which sire and which dam will be used for your litter, then roll the resulting cubs. This is done purely by RNG, which will also be determining the litter size. The parents, as well as the litter itself, will be posted to Breeding Requests and you will be notified once it's up! After that, what you decide to do with the cubs is up to you! They are yours to keep, sell, trade, etc. 




  • Wild cubs work exactly like a wild ketucari you’d find with the Charming skill! Their genes are randomly generated and they may or may not have unknown lineage depending on their rarity.




  • Feather types are not available as tokens.
  • Common and uncommon genes are available! You can find them here, at the bottom: Breeding 
  • Be sure to read the rules for applying tokens here: Obtaining and Applying Tokens




  • Base semi-customs include:
    • Ww litter size gene + a lineage
    • 4 common genes OR 3 common and 1 uncommon gene OR  two uncommon genes
    • Uncommon marking may be swapped for horns OR an additional common marking
    • The base uncommon gene may be used to apply tint, smokey, or flaxen!
  • Base Coat Add-ons:
    • Please note that genes affecting coat color can only be added via this section. This means that making a blended base is now possible, as vivid and dilute no longer count toward the marking limit, only the base color limit.
    • Uncommon base modifiers (max 1) are +7 USD
    • Rare base modifiers (max 2) +15 USD
    • Albino customs are on a sliding scale! 
      • Basic albino +10 USD
      • Albino covering 6-8 genes +15 USD
      • Albino covering 9+ genes (not including horns) +20 USD
      • You can see a guide to this scale here: Albino Price Guide
  • Other Add-ons:
    • +B for inferno and +Tri for lintosi are +5 USD
    • +Me for Melanistic Pastel (carried or displayed) is +7 USD
    • Extra common genes (max 2)  are +5 USD
    • Extra uncommon genes (max 2)  are +7 USD
    • Rare genes (max 1) are +15 USD
    • Fantail/harpy feathers are +15 USD
    • Every other feather type is +20 USD
    • Primary horns are +10 USD *Note that these count toward the uncommon limit
    • Secondary and tertiary horns are +5 USD *Note that these count toward the common limit
    • Ryno and Danuoc builds are +5 USD






  • Can be redeemed for your choice of 5 legendary tier ingredients.


x1 Strong Herbal Brew

x1 Flourishing Elixir

x1 Guard Talisman

x1 Gem Dust


x3 Strong Herbal Brew

x3 Flourishing Elixir

x3 Guard Talisman

x3 Gem Dust

x3 Herbal Brew


x1 Stoplight Stuffed Peppers

x3 Tanqorah's Suds

x3 Figure of Eirian

x3 Figure of Verdani

x2 Dylana Statuette

x2 Ancestor's Blessing

x1 Feather Wand


x20 Copper Ore

x10 Leather Scrap

x1 EACH Heldyrite

x1 Ancient Medallion

x1 Stone Tablet

x1 Figure of Eirian

x5 Gem Dust


x15 Armosi

x15 Leriss

x15 Shyl

x15 Satia

x15 Snow Cap

x15 Yellow Sedge

x1 Volatile Potion

x1 Raw Hate

x1 Explorer's Spirit

LOW TIER Engineering PACK - 5 USD

x5 Gear

x5 Glass

x5 Shaft

x5 Data Chip

x2 Replicator

x1 Buyer's choice of [Event Simulator / Energy Shield / Night Vision Goggles / Pheromone Diffuser]


x10 Sugar

x10 Leafy Greens

x10 Salt

x10 Frostberry

x10 Milk

x10 Betta Meat

x5 Broth

x5 Flour

x1 Bone Growth Shake


x25 Iron Ore

x1 EACH Naliem

x1 Tattered Scroll

x1 Clay Statue

x1 Figure of Verdani

x1 Headdress of Okianis


x15 Asher

x15 Banukel

x15 Kelem

x15 Seit

x15 Whitsul

x15 Ykalu

Mid TIER Engineering PACK - 10 USD

x5 Capacitor

x5 Semi-Conductor

x5 Data Chip

x10 Gear

x10 Glass

x10 Shaft

x1 Buyer's Choice of [Botany / Geology / Artifact] Database

x1 Zone Mapper

x1 Tactical Simulation

Mid TIER Cooking PACK - 10 USD

x10 Egg

x10 Onion

x10 Pepper

x10 Bamboo

x1 Combo Slammer

x1 Frostberry Pie

x1 Buyer's Choice [Frostberry Pie / Peace Offering]


x25 Mithril Ore

x1 EACH Toresul

x1 Golden Chalice

x1 Timeworn Skull

x1 Dylana Statuette

x1 Crown of the False King


x15 Danios

x15 Dragon’s Claw

x15 Dramos

x15 Irakel

x15 Morban

x15 Nutili

High TIER Engineering PACK - 15 USD

x5 Bearing

x5 Energy Core

x5 Capacitor

x5 Semi-Conductor

x10 Gear

x10 Glass

x10 Shaft

x1 Cloning Vat

x1 Tactical Simulation

x1 Tracking Collar

High TIER Cooking Pack - 15 USD

x20 Egg

x20 Onion

x20 Pepper

x20 Bamboo

x20 Sugar

x20 Leafy Greens

x20 Salt

x20 Frostberry

x20 Milk

x20 Betta Meat

x20 Broth

x20 Flour

x1 Sweet and Savory Dinner

x1 Stoplight Stuffed Peppers

x1 Fragrant Roast


x20 Garonite Ore

x1 EACH Daras

x2  Legendary artifacts of your choice

x2 Legendary armorsmithin items of your choice


x1 Sundisk of Nyssa

x1 Kohto’s Rattle

x1 Nature Scroll

x1 Ancestor’s Blessing

x1 Large Flip Coin

x1 Small Flip Coin


x15 Alear

x15 Dynyr

x15 Fotur

x15 Nysine

x15 Rugha

x15 Yendi

x1 Mutation Potion

x1 Guardian Paste

x1 Darhaskos's Talisman

x1 Bottle Glamour

x1 Mytical Feather Wand


x20 Copper Ore

x1 EACH Heldyrite

x1 Ancient Medallion

x1 Stone Tablet

x25 Iron Ore

x1 EACH Naliem

x1 Tattered Scroll

x1 Clay Statue

x25 Mithril Ore

x1 EACH Toresul

x1 Golden Chalice

x1 Timeworn Skull


x20 Copper Ore

x1 EACH Heldyrite

x1 Ancient Medallion

x1 Stone Tablet

x25 Iron Ore

x1 EACH Naliem

x1 Tattered Scroll

x1 Clay Statue

x25 Mithril Ore

x1 EACH Toresul

x1 Golden Chalice

x1 Timeworn Skull

x1 Sundisk of Nyssa

x1 Kohto’s Rattle

x1 Nature Scroll

x1 Ancestor’s Blessing

x1 Large Flip Coin

x1 Small Flip Coin


x1 Bracer of Balance

x1 Claw Sheaths

x1 Scepter of Life

x1 Foundling Amulet

x1 Lucky Charm

LEGENDARY Engineering PACK - 30 USD

x1 Distress Beacon

x1 Scenic Hologram

x1 Mythic Simulator

x1 EVA Toolkit

x1 Surgical Suite

x1 Personal Radar

LEGENDARY Cooking Pack PACK - 30 USD

x1 Aromatic Forage

x1 Luscious Bait

x1 Ambrosia Ale

x1 Lover's Banquet

x1 Salamander Soup

x1 Banshee's Confit

x1 Divine Wine


x1 Legendary alchemy item of your choice

x1 Legendary engineering item of your choice

x1 Legendary cooking item of your choice

x1 Legendary armor item of your choice

x1 Legendary artifact of your choice


One of each accessory-- please see Pantheon page for contents!

  • Hianlian Relic Set
  • Guro Relic Set
  • Hyperion Relic Set
  • Kalet Relic Set


  • Ketucabra cub
  • Winter ground streak
  • Mastiff puppy
  • Serpent
  • Angel hare
  • Fire sprite
  • Dwarf snowbear
  • Otter pup
  • Roothorne


  • Vestige of Hianlian
  • Vestige of Guro
  • Vestige of Hyperion
  • Vestige of Kalet



Thank you everyone in advance for supporting the group and allowing us to continue developing this awesome community!


Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by pawstepsinthesnow

The festivities are over, the revelers trickled back to their respective worlds, and the breeding machine sits quiet...

But a murmur travels among those who assembled: "That was fun. Maybe we should do it again sometime?"

The Veluchasm festival is now a recurring event. Perhaps we'll see you again next year...?


Thank you, sincerely, to all of you who participated. As an admin of both groups, it really delighted me seeing how many folks came out of the woodwork for our little festival. I hope you'll stick around!

Now for a piece of more serious news: Due to a family crisis, our dear group owner ASimpleMoon is taking a leave of absence. In the meantime, I, pawstepsinthesnow, and my partner in crime IIIXKitsuneXIII, will be filling her shoes until such a time as she can return. This is not affecting species ownership or group rights-- Moon has simply deputized us to act in her stead while she focuses on things in the physical world. Those of you in the Discord probably have noticed we've temporarliy taken on the group admin role, but I wanted to give a heads-up to site-only folks as well. 

The third update: deviantArt has made changes that makes it impossible to edit any journals that have custom skins applied. This has affected several aspects of the group that were still on dA, especially the Orphanage-- I chatted with our illustrious sitedev Draginraptor to enable a few features, and am currently in progress of migrating several dA functions fully onto I'll make sure to keep you posted on progress. Transferring the Orphanage is currently our top priority-- things have been slowed down to complications with my health, but I'm working as hard as I can to make sure all functions of the group are available again. Thank you for your patience! 


-Sian (pawstepsinthesnow)